Advertising what can go wrong

New Build Inspections


New Member
I've put together a website about the problems I've had with my house. It is currently advertised on google, I'm going to put a banner up at the corner of our property (happens to be the entrance to the development), we're going to put posters on the lamp posts leading to the sales offices and we're going to hide posters and business cards throughout the showhomes for viewers to find.

Do anyone have any other suggestions that are free and legal


Kevin -

Colin Jack

New Member

Under no circumstances should you put any form of advertising, banners or notices on lamp posts, road signs and the like within the public road. It is an offence under the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984, Section 100 (b).

There is no doubt that the road side is cluttered with so many additional signs and things, particularly from developers, but it is an offence nonetheless whether or not the roads authority takes any action.

See attached an offending sign which was taken down by a roads authority employee immediately after the photo was taken.

Manor Kingdom are part of the Gladedale Group.


Colin these regulations don't stop the builders, but I wouldn't recommend flyposting either. You can put notices up on your house and vehicles though. For the former it is probably forbidden in the deeds.

One member of bought one share and attended the annual general meeting with flyers and T-shirts.

Have you tried the press?

The site looks great BTW - you should try to get a many links as possible from other websites with your target keywords. e.g. George Wimpey Homes

Good luck with the site



New Member
Thanks for the advice

Thanks for the advice guys, will keep clear of lampposts etc.

To quote the deeds "No board, card, plat or advertising notice of any kind can be placed on the plot without neighbour consent" fortunately the neighbours are all for the banner. I suspect we will get a threatening letter from wimpey about it. I emailed the local planning office yesterday to ask there advice about putting up a 2m x 1m sign at the edge of the property. Hopefully we can get away with keeping it up for a couple of weeks. Everyone driving into and past the development will see it, the road that goes past is the busiest in the town.

I am also considering fitting a sign on my roof-rack and parking the car outside the sales office.

I've discussed going to the press/tv with the neighbours but haven't decided on whether or not to do it. The banner will probably draw the attention of the local press.

I've spent the last few nights trying to improve the sites position on search engines. Hopefully I've got the keywords for the site spot on. I'm currently taking advantage of free advertising on google if you do a search for george wimpey you should see my ad :D I'm working on getting links to the site on other sites and I've asked a few friends who spend half there life posting on forums to include it in there signature.

if you want to see the banner you can see it by going to (not got enough posts on the site yet to include proper links)




New Member
Hi Tony, the sites doing not to bad. I've been monitoring it using google analytics, so far it's been viewed by about 1500 people. I haven't heard anything from wimpey so far, maybe they dont care that potential buyers could be walking away from them.

I got in contact with ITV and they seem interested in the issues experienced by my neighbours and I.




New Member
Forgot to say it was £77,000 they got fined for putting up illegal signs. If they can get fined that much for putting up signs surely they should get fined millions for the junk houses they have been spewing out!!